Nuclear Energy and Proliferation Security, Political and Economic Implications; Regional and International Models
Amman, Jordan
June 22-24, 2009
Organized by the Arab Institute for Security Studies
Co-Organized by the League of Arab States
Co-sponsored by the British Government
Co-sponsored by the Government of Holland
Co-sponsored by the Government of Norway
Co-sponsored by the Institute for Security Studies
Co-sponsored by the Partnership for Global Security


Sunday – June 21, 2009

All day Arrival of participants
Please refer to logistics chart for airport pick-up arrangements and details on accommodation, venue, etc.

Monday – June 22, 2009

Venue: University of Jordan
17:00 – 17:25
17:30 – 18:30


19:00 – 20:30

21:00 – 22:00

Conference Registration

Opening statements (Amman Security Colloquium) Chair: Arab Institute for Security Studies
o Representative of the Government of Jordan
    o Representative of the British Government
    o Representative of the Government of the Netherlands
    o Representative of the Norwegian Government
    o Representative of Institute for Security Studies
    o President of Partnership for Global Security
    o Other speakers to be announced

Formal Dinner
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Informal meeting with North African delegates
to discuss the forthcoming entry-into-force of the Pelindaba Treaty (Chaired by ISS representative) Location (Kempinski Hotel, Meeting Hall No. 4)

Tuesday – June 23, 2009

Venue: Kempinski Hotel
Nuclear Non-Proliferation in the Middle East and the Prospects of a NWFZ
0900 – 10301

Proposals for a Regional(and/or) International Fuel Cycle
1030 – 1200

1200 – 1230
Nuclear Capabilities and Security in the Middle East
1230 – 1330



1330 – 1515
Regional and International Implications
1530 – 1715



1900- 2100

Panel 1: 
o Chair: Ambassador Wael Al-Assad (Director of Multilateral Relations,
       League of Arab States)
    o Marc Finaud: (Promoting Multilateral Disarmament and Nonproliferation
       Instruments in the Middle East?)
    o John Thomson: (Role of Multilateralism in Reconciling Civil Nuclear
       Power and Non-Proliferation in the Wider Middle East)
    o Mark Fitzpatrick: (Preventing a Nuclear Cascade in the Middle East,
       Challenges Posed by the Iranian Nuclear Program)
    o Prof. Adrian Hyde-Price; (European Union Non-Proliferation Initiatives
       and the EU3 Engagement with Iran)
    o Amb. Nabil Fahmy; NWFZ in the Middle East - Lessons to be Drawn
       from the ACRS Process
------------------------------------------------------------------------Panel 2: 
o Chair: Col. Francesco LoMancino (NATO School) Amb. Mohamed I.
    o Shaker: (Proposal for an Arab Nuclear Fuel Cycle)
    o Geoff Forden: (Proposal for a Multinational Enrichment Facility in Iran?)
    o Prof. Maurizio Martellini: (The Nuclear Global Expansion and Fuel Cycle
       in the Middle East in the framework of the NPT)
    o Tom Cochran: (Weaknesses in International Safeguards and a Proposal
       for Internationalizing Uranium Enrichment)
    o Klaas van der Meer: (From National Nuclear Fuel Cycles To An
       International Fuel Ban)K

Coffee break announced throughout session
Panel 3: 
o Chair: Noel Stott (ISS South Africa)
    o Raphael Della Ratta: (Nuclear and Radiological Security in the Middle
    o Prof. Alexander Nikitin: (Current New Russian-American Negotiations on
       Nuclear Matters “START and ABM” and their Implications for Middle
       East and Global Security)
    o Andrew Proudlove: (NATO Response to Proliferation)
    o John Weiss: (The American National Conversation About Iran’s
    o Nuclear Policy: Sources and Conflicting Themes)

Panel 4: 
o Chair: Dr. Kamal Araj (Jordnaian Atomic Energy Agency)
    o Dana Allin: (The Obama Foreign Policy in the Region)
    o Prof. Jim Wyllie: (Current and Likely Strategic Impacts of Iranian
       Nuclear Developments on GCC States, Egypt and Turkey)
    o Dr Sergio Catignani: (Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and the Implications of
       a Nuclear Iran on Middle East stability)
    o Nasser Saghfi-Amiri: (Nuclear Renaissance in the Middle East Region)
    o Amb. Said El Banhawy: (National and Regional Legislations Regulating
       Nuclear Power in the Arab World)

Dinner at Jordanian restaurant

Wednesday – June 24, 2009

Venue: Kempinski Hotel
Regional Models - Establishing Nuclear Energy Confidence Building Measures & Awareness
0900 – 1045

Energy Demand, Energy Security and Utilization of Atomic Energy in the Middle East  
1045 – 1115

1115 – 1145
Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Disarmament – Another Perspective 
1145 – 1300



1300 – 1330
1400 – 1830
---- – ----

Panel 5: 
o Chair: Annalisa Giannella (EU: Personal Representative of for non-
       proliferation of WMD)
    o Nicholas Wheeler: (A Leap of Trust? Overcoming Mistrust in US-Iranian
       Nuclear Relations)
    o Maria Espona: (Security Confidence Building Measures in the
       Argentinian-Brazilian Context, ABACC Applicability in the Middle East)
    o Gregoire Mallard; (Can the Euratom Treaty Inspire the Middle East?)
    o Noel Stott: (Entry-into-Force of the Treaty of Pelindaba: Establishing
       the African Commission on Nuclear Energy - AFCONE)
    o Wyn Bowen: (Nuclear safety and security in the Middle East: are there
       any lessons from the G8 Global Partnership?)

Panel 6:
o Chair: Dr. Ahmad Hyasat (Director; Jordan National Electrical Company)
    o Dr Esmat Ezz: (Nuclear Energy in the Coming Fifty Years)
    o Christopher Paine: (Alternatives to Nuclear Energy in the Region)
    o Michael Gaul: (NATO’s Role in Energy Security)
    o Dr. Jeremy Whitlock: (Candu Phwr: Meeting Market Needs With
       Performance & Proliferation Resistance
    o Ali Karami: (Peaceful Applications of Nuclear Energy in the Middle East)

Coffee break announced throughout session
Panel 7:
o Chair: Wyn Bowen (Kings College – London)
    o Amb. Mohamed Reda Farahat: (0911 Events and the Nuclear Weapon
       Free Zone in the Middle East)
    o Milagros Alvarez-Verdugo: (Uranium Enrichment: Preventing
       Proliferation Risks Without Undermining States’ Sovereignty)
    o James Acton: (Turning up the contrast: Sharpening nonproliferation
       red lines)
    o Charles Pfaff: (Using Military Force to Prevent Proliferation)
    o Nilsu Goren: (Disarming Weapons of Mass Destruction)

Panel 8:
o Closing statements By organizers
Lunch Tour to Jerash (Ancient Roman City) , Lunch served during tour
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Departure of Participants

Thursday – June 25, 2009

All day Departure of remaining participants