NUAA seeks to develop a step-by-step approach towards achieving "Regional
Nuclear Fuel Cycle in the Middle East'; NUAA is hosted and managed by the Arab
Institute for Security Studies (based in Jordan).
NUAA firmly believe that the complicated process of a regional fuel cycle should start
on a gradual basis by adopting a step-by-step approach. The gradual approach is
needed to provide assurances, promote confidence and transparency. The Natural
Uranium Arab Agency (NUAA) intends to benefit from enriched uranium capabilities
without actually pursuing enrichment – as a first step. NUAA seeks to build a natural
uranium reserve that could bartered for LEU if need arises.
NUAA activities are conducted in fair and transparent manner in accordance with
IAEA principles. NUAA is registered as a Jordanian private sector company providing
its services to member states as well as non-member states.
If you are interested in NUAA, if you are seeking to become a member in thios forward looking mechanism, do not hesitate to contact us.