WMD and Security Forum
Main Tacks and Activities (2018 Session)
The 2019 session of the WMD & Security Forum seeks to stay on top of regional developments by covering a number of themes and topical areas, including but not restricted to the following:
- 50 Years of NPT; Next Steps
- Abolishing JCPOA; Could we Save the Deal
- Nuclear Security and Confronting Threats; International Models and Metrics
sub topics
* NTI Index and its matching of the current state of play
* NATO procedures
* 1540 role
- Missiles, Delivery Vehicles and the Zone
sub topics
- Why do we aim to banning ballistics missiles
- Delivery vehicles; should they be included in the WMDFZ Package
- Emerging Nuclear Programs; Suppliers vs End Users Perspectives
sub topics
* Large Scale Reactors (NPP) vs. (SMR)
* Analyzing political intentions of suppliers, namely Russia and China
* The role of the Arab Atomic Energy Agency (AAEA)
* ROSATOM Growing Role in the Middle East
- CTBT; Extended Benefits to a Troubled Region
- Prospects of Developing a Regional Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- Security challenges in the Middle East
- NextGen of Experts on WMD and Security - Involving Young Leadership in the Debate
- Arab Consortium on Security & Nuclear Non-Proliferation Coordination Meetings
- Other emerging and contemporary issues.