المنتدى النووي - منصة الكترونية لبحث ومناقشة القضايا النووية واسلحة الدمار الشامل
The Nuclear Forum - An Electronic Platform to Discuss and Debate Nuclear and WMD Issues
المعهد العربي يساهم في افـتـتـاح مركز الدراسات الاسلامية والشرق اوسطية في جامعة جين جي الوطنية - تايبيه
ACSIS Inagurates the Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at National Chengchi University (NCCU) in Taipei
المساهمة في انعقاد مؤتمر الامم المتحدة عام 2012 حول اخلاء منطقة الشرق الاوسط من اسلحة الدمار الشامل
Facilitate the Holding of the 2012 Meeting on a WMDFZ in the Middle East
التجمع العربي للأمن وحظر الانتشار النووي
Arab Consortium for Security and Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Radio Documentaries
A number of publications are issued by the
Institute in Arabic and English. In addition, a
series of monographs on International security
are published on a semi-periodic basis. A
monthly "Security Bulletin" is also issued and
circulated to decision makers, the bulletin
monitors security developments on the regional
and International levels (including military
spending, security arrangements, meetings ..
etc), Additionally, the Institute is active in
translating documents and publications of
particular interest to Arab audience.
II- Documentaries and Radio Programs
The Institute is committed to improve public
awareness and promote understanding on security
issues. With a proven record of initiating and
sustaining capacity building campaigns, the
Institute is responsible for developing and
broadcasting a radio documentary titled
"Diplomatic and Security Terminologies". The
documentary elaborates on security, diplomatic
and military terminologies that are presented in
media and dealt with on a frequent basis.
الاذاعي "مصطلحات امنية ودبلوماسية"
Diplomatic and Security Terms & Terminologies
(Arabic radio documentary)
في حال رغبتكم بث حلقات
البرنامج او الحصول على كامل الحلقات يرجى الاتصال